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Don't look for excuses and discuss solutions

 Don't look for excuses and discuss solutions

Do not look for excuses and discuss solutions

Only losers look for excuses. Every time they create an excuse, they have become artists at creating excuses. When you encounter a problem, do not make an excuse for it. Admit your mistake, then look for appropriate solutions to it. If you ask for the impossible, know that the result is possible, because the degree of the possible is close to the impossible. If you do not succeed in solving a problem, seek advice from it, and consult only those who trust themselves, because the one who is not confident in himself has no right. Advice, be sure to write down the problem before solving it and study its aspects, then in the end I say it to you and to everyone who reads these words that there is no problem without a solution, even if it is intractable, so think about its result and outcome. You will find that it is simple, but our minds have made it big, so do not worry. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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